Thursday, April 06, 2006



What is "A Friend"?

A Friend is someone
We hold very dear,
A Friend is someone
We always wish near.

It matters not how
Far away they may live,
Nor what material items
To you they may give.

A Friend is someone
Who`s loyalty is true,
They`re quick to be there
When you are feeling blue.

Friends are so special,
So loving and so kind.
There`s noone more caring
In your life, you might find.

So glad to be able to call you all my friends !!!

And I am glad to call you a friend!

Hug to you Dot. I like English Breakfast too.
Wouldn`t it be great if we could all just walk around the corner and have that English Breakfast together!!! I would sure love that.
Sending back those warm kind friendship Hugs.
That was so sweet of you, dot!
We love to be your friends.
Love-ly post Dot :-) So sweet of you, as always. You've been writing so kindly words to my mother too. As a true friend.

"Friends are the sunshine of life." -John Hay
What fun would be a blog if it weren`tfor the great friends we have gained here. Thanks Deni, Skye, Nan, Jac and lifecruiser for being such great friends.
Lifecruiser, it is so easy to write nice things to your Mom as I really do have great respect for her. She shows so much respect and caring for others and with all she has to handle she still cares for others. She is one very special lady. I wish I lived close enough to stop in and visit with her. I sure would enjoy visiting with her.
She helps me to keep working and doing for as long as I am able. She makes me realize how very lucky I am. Give her a big thankyou Hug for me. Finished the tile floor last week and today started cutting and painting on the mopboards for the bathroom .
ou are a very good person dot and i am proud to call you my friend. you have helped me a lot and i enjoy your e-mails to me.
your friend
Thanks Mr haney, I also enjoy your e-mails, plus trying so many of the topics you keep finding for sending posts and pictures to others.
I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful friends. Such thoughtful caring people I have found while enjoying reading their blogs.
Whatg the name of that song, "You have a friend in me" You do with me Dot.
What would life be without friends.
thanks Walker. Friends are special people who we can count on when times are hard, but also to smile with to brighten our days. Thanks for being my friend.
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