Saturday, September 06, 2014


September 6, 2014 Starting another new year of life- 83 years young and mu Pug "Roo"

September 6th, 2014
Here I am, just 2 days after my Birthday with not much new to write about. Had a very nice Birthday  Thursday the 4th. Being 83 is no different than being 82, just another day. Youngest daughter brought all the fixings and made a nice chicken dinner for me. My granddaughter and the nice fellow my daughter is with also ate dinner with my daughter and I at my table.  What a nice time.  Others also showed up or phoned. Hadn`t  seen my sister Ginny since my shoulder op almost four months ago, and was surprised when her and her daughter (who lives in another state) showed up to visit on my birthday. Have three sisters, one lives miles from me, and one we seldom hear from unless I phone her, but this other sister I was seeing quite often when could drive. Have  been doing only short drives so far, but won`t be long before I can do more.  Have all the shoulder and arm movements back, now working on getting the strength back, which has to be done slowly, little at a time- not to injure  where it was operated on.

   My little Pug dog "Roo" is now laying beside my comp chair yelping at me  using the yelp that says " my water dish is empty".  Here I am back again, water dish filled. Roo got his name because he often sits on his fanny with his front legs extended in front of him like a kangaroo sits. So, my friend, the dog breeder named him Roo.  He also has a special whine that means he wants more food. He has his own way of letting me know  what he wants.  He makes sure I get up every morning by coming over and putting his front feet upon the edge of my bed and gives a couple of whines which mean get up and feed me. If I lay still and don`t open my eyes, he will go back and lay down on his pillow bed for a while. Then back he comes to my bed to try again. This goes on until I get up. Everybody loves him and he loves everyone. He turned  3 years old in May and sure has brought me much happiness. He was just a few months old when I brought him home with me and have always been glad I did.  He lets me know when he wants to play by bringing his toys and dropping them beside  me. He still doesn`t  give  the toys to me when he fetches them, just brings them close to me and if I reach for them he will suddenly try to beat me getting them. But if I ignore him, then he brings them , he will then drops them under my chair, walk away and lays down just watching me and waiting for me to get them and toss them across the floor again  for him to run after. Before I got him, it had been over two years since I lost  by beloved Border Collie and my empty house  was much to quiet and lonely since I lost Walt back in 2002.   I would often turn on  the TV  just  to hear some noise in this quiet house. Not so empty and lonesome with Roo keeping me busy.  My sister told me she thought  my getting Roo was the best thing I could have done as I look much happier after I got him. He is so darn cute and lovable. He does have this one bad habit- if a piece of paper towel or  newspaper happens to fall on the floor, he often will chew it into pieces for me to clean up. This mostly happens if I am away for hours and he is alone, like he is telling  me I was gone too long.  Very seldom happens because I usually make sure I have taken care of things before leaving. The other day I was gone longer than usual, first went for therapy, then after coming home, I decided to go grocery shopping then instead of waiting for the next day. So was gone in both the morning and again that afternoon.  Found some pieces of newspaper to pick up when got home. He has never chewed on anything else, but his chew toys since he was born. 

  Guess I should go start the washer and gets something done. Have only cared for Roo, made out the bills  and  done dishes so far this morning. Expecting a thunder storm this afternoon. Saw on the news that there might be a bad storm in Canada, hoping not and hoping no damage from the storm. Much of our  weather is formed  by what  is happening   north of us in Canada.  Well. this isn`t   getting any work done, of course would rather sit here than work, but it won`t get  done unless I do it.  So, signing off till another day.

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